Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Place of Zen - Part I

I sit quietly near the edge of a rocky plateau with my legs gently folded in front of me.  The rugged outdoors surround me and I can see the landscape below the cliffs.  The plateau slopes gradually down around me, so I am at the highest area.  It is morning, but the sun isn't quite up yet....just a slight glow in the sky.  Down below the plateau - in front of me, there is a river flowing over rocks.  The river curves around through the flat earth of the desert landscape.  I imagine there is a place like this somewhere in Arizona or Utah, but I've never been there.  I breath in the fresh air...scents of Juniper trees and the earth floor fill my lungs.

Then, a glimmer of light breaks over the distant hills...the sun is rising.  I stand and look out over the great expanse.  The sky becomes a warm golden color as light rays begin to streak across the horizon.  A very light breeze touches my body and wisps gently past me into oblivion.  It is quiet, but there is so much to take in around me - worries and thoughts drift away.  A feeling of freedom washes over me.  I am at perfect peace.

For now, this place is only a figment of my imagination.  But someday I would like to actually go there - I don't doubt that such a place exists.

Where would you be when completely at peace?  Or rather, what place gives you that state of perfect peace?  If you can imagine that place, have you been there? - or is it a contrived place from somewhere within your mind?  And what triggers you to think of this place?  For some people it's daydreaming, for some it's meditation, or perhaps it's just a "travel bug".  If you haven't found a place of peace, I encourage you to search for one.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Last Bit...

It's my lunch break, and my stomach growls as I microwave my Amy's Macaroni & Cheese...mmmm.  It's Monday...but not just any last Monday working in my current job position.

I love many parts of my job - working with the photographers and artists, retouching, color-correcting, graphic design, you name it.  Then there are parts that I don't care for as much.  There are many elements that contribute to making one feel a sense of contentment (or discontentment) in the workplace.  And then sometimes, you just need to move on...on to bigger and better, or a least, different.  Several years and I feel like I've learned everything there is to learn and know everything there is to know here...time to move forward into a new avenue that will continue to educate me in other areas.

I want progressive, I want innovative, I want positive and I want active!  Is that too much to ask?  I certainly don't think so.  So is it back to being a starving artist?  Well first of all, I never graduated from the the starving artist position.  Maybe it will be even tougher now...probably...oh well.  I would rather be happy on the inside and have little luxury.

So instead of being afraid, this is a positive step that will take me in the right direction...I really believe that.  The distance is dim, but it will all make sense eventually.  Sometimes you can't just wait around for things to happen...sometimes you just have to go for it!